As marketing and design consultants, we know that businesses and non-profits of all sizes struggle with generating content for their online marketing efforts. Understandably, it can be a real challenge for business professionals to find the time and ideas for what they can produce as blog posts, videos, or podcasts. Over the years, we have helped a lot of folks expand the value of what they have already created by repurposing content for use and sharing in different ways.
from our clients
The website has changed the whole profile of The Girls Home – people can easily send in funds and volunteer now.
The new website is clear, clean and easy to use. Other local charities love our site it and want to emulate the style!
LBDesign produced a site that publicises the place, encourages donations and illustrates the feeling of the home to outsiders.
Rachel Collingwood
Hogar de Niñas Madre Albertina