5 Reasons to Publish a Company Newsletter

As marketing consultants, we regularly field questions about the business value of or case for company newsletters. We’ve been writing and publishing a monthly company newsletter since January 2014 – and we have no intention of stopping any time soon.

As you can read in the recaps of our first year of publishing a newsletter and a review of the second year, we’ve found notable business value from our newsletter. Perhaps more important, we’ve also helped our clients achieve success with their newsletters and email marketing campaigns. (We’re currently working up a post about that and will publish it in the coming weeks.)

While it’s always easier if sales come directly from a newsletter, that’s not always the case. Depending on the services we provide or the products we sell, it may be very unlikely that we ever sell anything directly via our company newsletter. Yet, there are plenty of other valuable returns on investing in newsletters. We’ll share five reasons to publish a company newsletter below.

Mailchimp for company newsletters

1. Re-connect with Clients

Like us, our existing clients are busy running their business or organization. They may have a to-do on their list to get in touch with us for help, but they are too swamped to call us. When our newsletter arrives in their inbox, it spurs them into action – they email back about their project, which more often than not is completely unrelated to the content in our newsletter. Yet, it was our newsletter that pushed us to the top of their to-do list. (Our own Liam Dempsey reports that our company picks up 2-3 projects a year like this, from current clients who have been meaning to get in touch.)

2. Demonstrate Knowledge, Experience, and Skills

We know our craft and the services and products we sell. We know definitely know them better than our clients – that’s why they hire us, right? A company newsletter enables us to demonstrate and share those skills and knowledge with our clients. A simple case study or a few tips on how to approach this challenge or that can make it clear that we really are the right choice for our client’s upcoming project.

3. Cross-Sell to Existing Clients

Many businesses offer a range of services and products, not all of which are equally well known in our business sectors. We may have clients and customers who rely us on for a particular service, but who have no idea that we offer a range of additional services. Writing about those different services can educate our existing customers about our full range of offerings – and may entice them to follow-up to learn more.

4. Promote New Services and Products

With a regularly published company newsletter, we had an attentive audience willing and eager to learn about our comings and goings. Whether our distribution list is 100 email addresses or 10,000 email addresses, it’s full of people who want to read what we share with them. (Admittedly, not everyone will read every newsletter, but a well-crafted newsletter with great content can garner respectable open rates.) As we launch new products or services, we can be sure that all our newsletter subscribers know about them.

5. Highlight and Share Culture

Customers want to know the character of their vendors and suppliers. They want to know something about the culture of the companies that sell them services and products. By sharing details and information about your business and its culture via your newsletter, we can give those customers and potential customers some insight into how we do business.

We Can Help!

We work with clients to help design, produce, write, edit, publish, and get value from their newsletters. We’d be thrilled to talk to you about helping get you started with a company newsletter, or chat with you about improving returns from your existing newsletter.

Let’s Talk Newsletters
Posted in Online Marketing, Resources

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