WordCamp Lancaster 2013: A Reflection

WordCamp Lancaster 2013 saw our own Ngaire Ackerley travel north from London for a lovely weekend of engaging and interesting presentations, sunshine and great company with a flowery mug and t-shirt to boot!

After the brilliance of last year’s WordCamp Edinburgh, Ngaire Ackerley was eager to sign up for tickets when WordCamp Lancaster was announced. She was so eager to attend that she even volunteered to deliver a presentation. We’re proud to say that her offer was accepted and she delivered a presentation entitled Designing for WordPress and Web Design: Bridging the Gap Between Design and Development.

Welcome to WordCamp Lancaster

After kicking off WordCamp (being one of the first presenters), Ngaire popped into the other presentations about a variety of topics: debugging, advanced custom fields, Git, mobile and theme design, to name just a few.

Of particular interest, Graham Armfield and Kimb Jones floated ideas and suggestions for improvements that could be made to the WordPress admin area to make it more useful and more accessible.

One of the most interesting talks was by Jonny Allbut, focused on theme design. Ngaire was delighted to hear her own practices confirmed as the right approach within the WordPress environment. Jonny shared helpful tips like carefully thinking about how much the client really wants or needs to edit from the admin area of their site, so we can keep it simple and not confusing for them.

David Coveney gave an entertaining presentation (as always) about how WordPress is suitable for enterprise. He covered its benefits, scalability and flexibility, as well as discussing the size, scope and traffic levels of some of the more popular WordPress-driven websites.

One of the best things that Ngaire took away from WordCamp was meeting new people from all over the UK and discussing the ins and outs of WordPress from various perspectives. She’ll definitely be considering more of the WordCamps as the year progresses.

Group of WordCamp people

Some of WordCamp people kicking WordCamp off with early celebrations

Many thanks to all the organisers, volunteers and sponsors for creating a fantastic event!

P.S. If you’d like to check out Ngaire’s presentation, the slides and a screen cast are now online at the following link: Designing for WordPress and Web Design »

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