Recently WordCamp landed in London, where Ngaire from our local London office decided to volunteer. In the past Ngaire has spoken at local WordPress Meetups and at WordCamp Lancaster, so she was looking forward to continuing her involvement in the community as a volunteer at WordCamp London.

Main room – track 1 at WordCamp London
Donning a red t-shirt, Ngaire was given the role of room manager/moderator, on the Main Hall containing Track 1. This meant it was her job to keep the presenters on time and help them setup laptops; ensure they had microphones and that it all went smoothly in the main room. Together with the MC – Simon Dickson, from Code for the People, together, they kept the room running smoothly without any issues and enjoyed themselves along the way.
It was great to have the chance to briefly chat and help out the presenters, meeting the likes of one of the WordPress founders – Mike Little and core developers Andrew Nacin and Mark Jaquith, both of which appeared much less jet lagged than Ngaire was, from her recent visit to the Philadelphia office and Philly Burb’s Meetup!
The WordPress community has grown a lot in the last few years and it’s been great being involved and meeting such a fantastic group of people. Ngaire looks forward to future volunteering and speaking opportunities to give back to such a fantastic open source project.