Contributing to the WordPress Community in 2015

As communications designers, WordPress is an integral part of our everyday lives. We use it to publish our own content, as well as our clients’. From the occasional blog post to sharing event details around the country, WordPress is our go-to tool. We use it to sell products, collect donations and build e-mail marketing lists. Our primary focus is designing and developing custom WordPress themes. We’ve even recently begun to use the Genesis framework for select projects.

Contributing to the WordPress Community in 2015

In the last year, we continued to be involved with and support the WordPress community in many different ways. The WordPress community is centered on the collaborative approach to development that comes with the open source software, so it should come as no surprise that we have found the community to be full of open hearts.

Our 2015 Contributions

As a company of two, we saw a very busy 2015. As this year’s conference season begins picking up speed, we are reflecting upon the ways in which we contributed to the community over the past year.

By The Numbers

2 WordCamps organized (including WordCamp US, the largest WordCamp ever)
WordCamps attended in three states
15 Talks presented in two states
11 Meetups organized
29 Meetups attended
1 Plugin published

WordPress 2015

What’s Next in 2016?

Already more than two months into the new year, we are busy thinking of the ways we plan to contribute back to the community.

As the year gets underway, you can be sure we will be out at WordPress gatherings. We look forward to meeting you there!

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