Liam Dempsey

Director + Designer

Liam DempseyLiam Dempsey is a communications designer working in both print and web media. Fascinated by the thought of distributing ideas on screen and on paper, Liam has more than a decade of experience as a graphic designer, marketing consultant and copy writer. The internet, with its ability to communicate across the face of the world in seconds, never ceases to amaze him. And yet, a printed piece, with its tactile surface, its rigid and clearly defined edges holds a certain romanticism for Liam.

When not in front of the computer (playing, working or just chilling out), Liam enjoys reading, watching and playing football, drinking good beers and whiskies and spending time outdoors in the wooded hills of eastern Pennsylvania.

Liam also writes and posts the occasional photo at He is an associate of The Governance Partnership and is lucky enough to post a piece their blog now and again.


In June 2017, Liam and his friend, Tara Claeys, started Hallway Chats. Hallway Chats is a podcast that introduces the unique designers, developers, marketing consultants, content creators, project managers, and more who make the WordPress community the flourishing environment it is.

Speaking + Presentations

Liam speaks about online marketing, design and a variety of topics around the subject of making websites with WordPress. Below is an archive of presentations given by Liam along with any links to slides from those presentations.

To view upcoming speaking and presentations, visit our Speaking + Presentations page.








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